Keskkond sümbioosis tehisaruga

Noorte Keskkonnaühisuse 2. hooaja sümbioosisarja lõpetab üritus “Keskkond sümbioosis tehisaruga?”, kus avastame tehisaru põnevat ja võimalusterohket maailma ning seome selle maailma rohelisemaks muutmise missiooniga.

MILLAL? Teisipäeval, 9.04 kell 15.00 – 17.30

KUS? Ülemiste City (Valukoja 8, Tallinn)

Tehisaru võlusid tutvustavad IT-ettevõtte Leanest tegevjuht Marko Saviauk ning ettevõtte Impactly tehisintellekti valdkonna juht Andre Tättar. Heidame sügavama pilgu keelemudelite (LLM) töösse ja käsitleme nende tehnoloogiate rakendamist keskkonna hüvanguks. Huvilistel on võimalus otse ja ausalt kõik kuumad ja päevakohased küsimused otse valdkonna tegijatele esitada!

Ürituse lõpetab interaktiivne töötuba!

Registreeri end SIIN!

PS! Regamine on avatud kuni vabu kohti jätkub.

Creating Virtual Worlds

Ana Falcon who recently defended her doctoral thesis on virtual reality playwriting at Estonian Academy of Music and Theater will discuss the theories and practical sides of creating VR-content with members of Estonian VR Association. We will be discussing how to use VR and AR in a classroom context, how students can create their own content and why has VR been so slow to pick up pace in educational setting.

We will be addressing following topics:

  • How does creating content for VR/AR look like from the product side and how does it differ from creating any other form of screenplay?
  • How does creating educational content differ from content that is mostly of commercial value only (games)?
  • How can we measure the impact of such content – both positive and negative? Examples of impact.
  • It’s probably no secret that most teachers are not too eager to use VR/AR content in the classroom. Why is it still so rare to see these sets being used at schools – is it mostly the lack of funds, knowledge or suitable content?
  • In Estonia we mostly see VR in museum and other “cultural experience” contexts (trips for tourists of recreating old Harju Street; Proto Invention Factory etc) but where could it be applied to actually make pre-existing technology defunct?
  • If and how can students create their own content? E.g if I have a really cool concept to create an educational game for learning biology, where can I turn or who should I contact?

All NoVa events are free of charge but please sign up here

Hüppelaud Summer School calls for young entrepreneurs

Hüppelaud is a summer school for 14-19-year-old Estonian school kids who take an interest in entrepreneurship and technology.

When: July 30th until August 4th, 2023

Where: The event will be held at kood / Jõhvi (Tartu põik 5, Jõhvi 41537)

Why: The purpose of the week-long hackathon is to provide Estonian students from all over the world with an opportunity to get firsthand experience on how to work in teams building a functional prototype.

How: Working in teams of 4-6 people, all participants will obtain experience in prototyping and pitching (i.e presenting to potential investors) their ideas. The teams will be assisted by highly skilled mentors who will facilitate the progress of the participants, direct them towards useful resources and build an overall positive atmosphere. 

Hüppelaud is free for all participants!

Sign up here

Hüppelaud suvekool

Järjekorras juba kaheksas Hüppelaud ootab tehnoloogiahuvilisi 14-19aastaseid noori tänavu 5.-9. augustini Viljandis, et ehitada oma idee valmis tooteks ning õppida parimate mentorite juhendamisel tehnoloogiamaailmas vajalikke oskusi.

Hüppelaua jooksul on Sul võimalus:

  • Meeskonnas töötades ehitada startupilikus keskkonnas toodet;
  • Valida endale sobiv roll ja õppida koodi kirjutamist, disainimist ja toote ehitamist;
  • Kogenud mentoritega koos töötada ja omandada elulisi kogemusi erinevatest valdkondadest.

70 noort omandavad viie päeva jooksul baasteadmised ja praktilised oskused veebiarenduse, disainmõtlemise ja tehisaru vallas. Lisaks põnevatele esinejatele ja töötubadele külastatakse kohalikke tootmisi ja avastatakse Viljandimaa loodust. Suvekool on kõikidele osalejatele tasuta!

Selleks aastaks on registreerimine suvekooli lõppenud, aga hoia end meie tegemistega kursis.