Creating Virtual Worlds

/ Kuupäev: 05. märts 2024 - 05. märts 2024 / Algab: 17:00 / Kestvus: 1,5h

Ana Falcon who recently defended her doctoral thesis on virtual reality playwriting at Estonian Academy of Music and Theater will discuss the theories and practical sides of creating VR-content with members of Estonian VR Association. We will be discussing how to use VR and AR in a classroom context, how students can create their own content and why has VR been so slow to pick up pace in educational setting.

We will be addressing following topics:

  • How does creating content for VR/AR look like from the product side and how does it differ from creating any other form of screenplay?
  • How does creating educational content differ from content that is mostly of commercial value only (games)?
  • How can we measure the impact of such content – both positive and negative? Examples of impact.
  • It’s probably no secret that most teachers are not too eager to use VR/AR content in the classroom. Why is it still so rare to see these sets being used at schools – is it mostly the lack of funds, knowledge or suitable content?
  • In Estonia we mostly see VR in museum and other “cultural experience” contexts (trips for tourists of recreating old Harju Street; Proto Invention Factory etc) but where could it be applied to actually make pre-existing technology defunct?
  • If and how can students create their own content? E.g if I have a really cool concept to create an educational game for learning biology, where can I turn or who should I contact?

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